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工作责任感 the sense of responsibility for work
全球责任感 global obligation
责任感病毒 responsibility virus
政治责任感 political responsibility ;
无责任感 irresponsibility
企业责任感 Corporate Accountability
事业心和责任感 Dedication and sense of responsibility
展示责任感show commitment
道义责任感 sense of moral responsibility
责任感 a sense of responsibility
责任感 responsible
责任感 sense of duty
1、Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.埃尔斯沃思深为自己的荣誉感和责任感所累。
2、He took up office out of a sense of duty.他就任公职是出于一种责任感。
3、Haig's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty.黑格非常强烈的爱国主义责任感使他的地位大大提高了。
4、to inculcate a sense of responsibility in sb谆谆教导某人要有责任感
5、These cultivated individuals have been imbued with a sense of social purpose.这些有教养的人满怀着社会责任感.
6、He was borne up by a strong sense of responsibility.强烈的责任感使他坚持了下来.
7、The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有更多的责任感.
8、He has a strong sense of duty.他有强烈的责任感.
9、His sense of duty often stood between him and the enjoyment of life.他的责任感经常让他无法好好享受生活。
10、They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.他们这样做并未打算进一步获利,而是出于一种义不容辞的贵族责任感。
11、They hope that their work will instil a sense of responsibility in children.他们希望自己的工作能够逐步培养起孩子们的一种责任感。
12、The shame which he suffered as a result of his inaction recalled him to a sense of duty.由于懒散而使蒙受的耻辱迫使他恢复了责任感.
13、Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications.有责任感、值得信赖是必备的素质。
14、Miss Ophelia was the absolute bond - slave of the ought.奥菲丽亚小姐是个地地道道的有“责任感”的奴隶.
15、The sense of duty dominates all else, and personal claims recede.责任感压倒一切, 个人的打算也就退居其次了.
16、Stop talking to me like a Dutch uncle about my duty to my family.
17、He is lost to all sense of duty.
18、He stated that his training had given him ballast and a sense of responsibility.
19、A citizen should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.
20、My mother and father each had an acute social conscience.
21、The compulsion felt to meet such obligation.
22、Be accountable and honest and meet performance expectation.
23、Diana was not short of wit or dignity or a sense of duty.
24、They put on the agony to intensify the sense of danger and responsibility.