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Quotation marks - 引号("")
a. Use quotation mark to enclose what someone says.
- 直接引用别人的话
b. Do not use quotation marks with indirect quotations.
- 使用引号("")时请勿放入非直接引用的话(比如他人转述或编辑过的内容)
c. If a quotation is half direct and half indirect, do not use quotation marks unless you want to emphasize the quotation
- 如果不是完全直接引用的原话,请不要使用引号(""), 除非你想刻意强调它。
d. Thoughts or questions in someone’s mind (in other words, ideas not spoken out loud) do not need quotation marks.
- 某人心里的想法或疑问(换句话说,没有直接说出来的话)并不需要引号("")。
e. Use quotation marks for definitions.
f. Use quotation marks for sayings.
- 某个概念的定义,和名言谚语,使用引号("")。
g. Use quotation marks for labels, markings, signs, etc.
- 标签、标记、记号等。
例句:Label this container “good toys” and that one “broken toys.”
h. Use quotation marks to indicate the clever or silly use of a word.
- 使用引号暗示某些词更聪明,或故意显得傻气的用法。
1. Commas and periods always go inside the quotation mark.
- 英文标点中,逗号(, )和句号(. )永远在双引号("")的里面。
2. Colons and semicolons always go outside the quotation mark.
- 冒号(: )和分号(; )永远在引号("")的外面。
3. If a quotation is within a quotation, use single quotation marks around it.
- 如果引用的话中还有引用的内容,那么使用单引号(' ')。
Ellipses 省略号(…)
a. Use an ellipsis to indicate that some words have been left out of a quotation.
- 使用省略号说明引用的话中,有一部分被省略了。
b. Use an ellipsis to indicate that something unwritten came earlier.
- 使用省略号说明,此前还有段话没写出来。
例句: “… I do,” said Mimi.
c. Use an ellipsis to indicate a sentence trailing off.
- 使用省略号提示,还有一句话“未完待续”。(比如,某一页书的最后一句放了省略号)
Imagine this as the final sentence of a book chapter—it entices you to turn the page to read what happens next:
Tom and Carlos were camping in the woods, asleep in their tent, when they heard it—the sound…
d. Use an ellipsis to indicate a long, slow break.
- 暗示有一段时间较长、较缓慢的暂停。
Long, slow break: There it was again…that soft but eerie sound.
Fast, crisp break:
There it was again - that loud, crashing sound.
4. If only yes or no is quoted, you do not have to use quotation marks.
- 如果引用的只有Yes或No,不必使用双引号("")。