wait for
1. HOLDING:有补交材料要求的案件不会送回那个巨大的文件储存架,而是放在移民官的桌子上的等待(holding)区域. 当补交的材料送进来,移民官会取出相应的案件继续工作. 移民官通常会把RFE的案件先行处理,因为这是old work.
2. standby:论述题 1.简述 GPRS 手机的三种状态转换.与 GPRS 用户相关的移动性管理定义了空闲(Idle), 等待(Standby), 就绪(Ready) 三种不同的移动性管理状态.
(1) 从空闲状态转移到就绪状态
(2) 从等待状态转移到空闲状态
(3) 从等待状态转移到就绪状态
(4) 从就绪状态转移到等待状态
(5) 从就绪状态转移到空闲状态 2.如果 PDCH 被阻塞
1. 这只小绿鸠是少数我在台湾尚未看过的留鸟之一,对我而言是一个新的鸟种。非常高兴能够看到它,因为我没有这种鸟的鸟点(虽然花了我七小时的等待时间)。
That Black-chinned Fruit Dove was one of what is now only a very small number of resident/regular birds that I had yet to see in Taiwan, it was a new one for me and I was absolutely delighted at having been able to see it as I had no site for the species (though it did take a seven hour wait!).
2. 很久以前,我首先提醒自我无需每天和你发出的信息没有要求每天等待你心爱的安全提出批评,因为我的一些事情可能会失去,无法站立一次。
Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more.
3. 我很喜欢等待。
I like it very much and so on.
4. 我没有选择等待,而是母城输送木材——大量的木材。
Rather than wait, I simply shipped over wood from the Home City -- tons of it.
5. 我没有选择等待,而是母城输送木材——大量的木材。
Wood from the Home City -- tons of it. Great piles of it appeared
6. 目前,有700名嫌疑犯收押在狱中,等待用恐怖主义相关的罪名判决。
About 700 people are currently in jail pending prosecution on terrorism-related charges.
7. 再加上我们在替补席上还有不少狠角色等待上场。索尔斯克亚就快回来了,他还会奉献进球。
Plus we have players on the sideline waiting to come in - Ole since he`s come back, and who`s been scoring again; Gaby too.
8. 渴望赴美的研究学者和高科技工作人员讲述了他们踟蹰数月等待合法许可的梦魇般的故事。
Potential graduate students and high-tech workers tell nightmare stories of waiting for months for the right bits of paper.
9. 我等待着这一天。。。
I am waiting for the day...
10. 前者是力量与智慧的化身,她们往往比男人更有本领征服世界、拯救人类;后者是美德与道义的象征,可却常常处于苦难之中,等待着男性的拯救。
Born to save the world and human beings; while the latter embodies morality and virtue, falling deplorably into the victim of afflictions and waiting pitifully for the salvation by the male.
11. 但在美国大使馆门前,法国当局已经在等待他们。
But at the front gates of the American embassy, the French authorities are already waiting for them.
12. 他可以在不到一周的时间内等待你的答复,过期不侯。
His influence would be brought to bear to get this configured in less than a week.
13. 你跟我说话,你跟我,不下沉之前,请崛起的婴儿不消失,你毫不犹豫地你似乎要等待所有的时间,我们已让人感觉更像是一个世界远离谁的`说,我们将确定我们正在在哪里,它通过夜间不想醒来,在此状态,我只想我们既要微笑,我们的事业是相同的和我知道我们永远不会改变,看看我买了你最喜爱的冰淇淋,我不想见它熔体远离如果你走出去,现在我不知道如果我们想要在哪里是一样的婴儿只是跟我的事业我希望你在这里呆跟我我要你在这里呆与我
You talk to me you speak with me, don't sink before you rise baby don't fade away you hesitate you seem to wait for all the time we had feels like a world away who's to say we'll be ok we're gonna make it through the night don't wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we're the same and i know that we'll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don't wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don't know if we're gonna be the same baby just talk with me cause i want you to stay here with me i want you to stay here with me
14. 他点著导火线,等待爆炸。2。引信,信管
He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.
15. 我等待的报告,检查和认证的报告说,这些人已被拘留,星期六晚上27/10/2007了这些建筑的街道Bonfadini其中的命令,指挥交通的警察Cazzago钐被采取数据。
Sono in attesa del verbale del sopralluogo e del verbale che certifica quali persone sono state fermate nella serata di sabato 27/10/2007 in uscita da quei capannoni su via Bonfadina alle quali, su ordine del comandante dei vigili urbanio di Cazzago SM, sono stati presi i dati.