- 相关推荐
1.Which of the following fragments might cause errors?
A. String s = "Gone with the wind";
String t = " good ";
String k = s + t;
B. String s = "Gone with the wind";
String t;
t = s[3] + "one";
C. String s = "Gone with the wind";
String standard = s.toUpperCase();
D. String s = "home directory";
String t = s - "directory";
2. Given the following code fragment:
1) public void create() {
2) Vector myVect;
3) myVect = new Vector();
4) }
Which of the following statements are true?
A. The declaration on line 2 does not allocate memory space for the variable myVect.
B. The declaration on line 2 allocates memory space for a reference to a Vector object.
C. The statement on line 2 creates an object of class Vector.
D. The statement on line 3 creates an object of class Vector.
E. The statement on line 3 allocates memory space for an object of class Vector
answer:(ADE)这题考察获得实例的内存变化。定义一个实例并不能给对象分配内存空间,系统只给定义的那个变量分配空间。只有当new 出一个对象时系统回给一个实例对象分配内存空间。
3. Which are not Java keywords?
B. sizeof
C. const
D. super
E. void
4. Which are not Java primitive(基本) types?
A. short
B. Boolean
C. unit
D. float
5. Which statements about the garbage collection are true?
A. The program developer must create a thread to be responsible for free
the memory.
B. The garbage collection will check for and free memory no longer needed.
C. The garbage collection allow the program developer to explicity and
immediately free the memory.
D. The garbage collection can free the memory used java object at expect
6、Which of the following assignment is not correct?
A. float f = 11.1;
B. double d = 5.3E12;
C. double d = 3.14159;
D. double d = 3.14D.
7、Given the uncompleted code of a class:
class Person {
String name, department;
int age;
public Person(String n){ name = n; }
public Person(String n, int a){ name = n; age = a; }
public Person(String n, String d, int a) {
// doing the same as two arguments version of constructor
// including assignment name=n,age=a
department = d;
Which expression can be added at the "doing the same as..." part of the constructor?
A. Person(n,a);
B. this(Person(n,a));
C. this(n,a);
D. this(name,age).
8、public void test() {
try { oneMethod();
System.out.println("condition 1");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("condition 2");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("condition 3");
} finally {
Which will display if oneMethod run normally?
A. condition 1
B. condition 2
C. condition 3
D. finally
answer:(AD)finally 修饰的最终都将会运行,所以当程序正常运行,不抛出异常时,AD都将运行。
9 Given the following code fragment:
1) String str = null;
2) if ((str != null) && (str.length() > 10)) {
3) System.out.println("more than 10");
4) }
5) else if ((str != null) & (str.length() < 5)) {
6) System.out.println("less than 5");
7) }
8) else { System.out.println("end"); }
Which line will cause error?
A. line 1
B. line 2
C. line 5
D. line 8
answer:(C)&&和&的区别,&是按位与计算,&两边的运算都要执行;&&是逻辑运算,当左边为假时,右边可以不执行。当右边执行时,可能有 (str.length()空指针异常)。
10、Given the following code:
public class Person{
static int arr[] = new int[10];
public static void main(String a[]) {
System.out.println(arr[1]) ;
Which statement is correct?
A. When compilation some error will occur.
B. It is correct when compilation but will cause error when running.
C. The output is zero.
D. The output is null.
11、Given the following code:
public class Person{
int arr[] = new int[10];
public static void main(String a[]) {
Which statement is correct?
A. When compilation some error will occur.
B. It is correct when compilation but will cause error when running.
C. The output is zero.
D. The output is null.
12、Which fragments are correct in Java source file?
A. package testpackage;
public class Test{//do something...}
B. import java.io.*;
package testpackage;
public class Test{// do something...}
C. import java.io.*;
class Person{// do something...}
public class Test{// do something...}
D. import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Test{// do something...}
13:String s= "hello";
String t = "hello";
char c[] = {´h´,´e´,´l´,´l´,´o´} ;
Which return true?
A. s.equals(t);
B. t.equals(c);
C. s==t;
D. t.equals(new String("hello"));
E. t==c.
answer:(ACD)这是String,s和t没有new 所以只是声明了两个变量,ACD都正确。
14、public class Parent {
public int addValue( int a, int b) {
int s;
s = a+b;
return s;
class Child extends Parent {
Which methods can be added into class Child?
A. int addValue( int a, int b ){// do something...}
B. public void addValue (){// do something...}
C. public int addValue( int a ){// do something...}
D. public int addValue( int a, int b )throws MyException {//do something...}
Sun java认证考试答案10-23
sun java认证考试题库09-04