

时间:2024-01-04 14:51:23 海洁 翻译 我要投稿
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  a spoon


  Grandma took the dixie cup and the spoon and began eating without saying a word

  奶奶拿着盛冰淇淋的纸杯和一把匙子,一语不发的吃了起来。Youre to spoon the tomatoes into the jars, Mary, and Jack is to spoon out bowls of porridge


  n. 勺,匙,调羹;一匙的量

  v. 用汤匙舀取

  a spoon of sugar

  一匙糖 Are these forks or spoons?

  这些是叉子还是勺子?This spoon is solid silver.

  这把汤匙是纯银的。Youre to spoon the tomatoes into the jars.

  你把番茄舀进罐子里。Spoon the filling into the flan case.



  no soup不行,不顶用,不会成功

  in the soup处于困境,捉襟见肘

  soup spoonn. 汤匙

  turtle soupphr. 甲鱼汤

  clams soup蛤蜊汤

  dumpling soup客家咸汤圆 扁食汤

  oyster soup蚵仔汤

  soup bowlphr. 汤碗

  potato soup马铃薯汤

  beef soup牛肉汤



  soupn. 1. 汤,羹 2. 浓雾 v.[T] 1. 通过改装(汽车、计算机等)增强功能

  soup ticketn. 免费餐厅用的餐券

  soup kitchenn. 施食处;赈济处

  soup strainern. 牙刷

  soup platen. 汤盘

  soup spoonn. 汤匙

  soup and fishn. 【口】男子晚礼服

  soup stock高汤

  soup finn. 油翅鲨;产于太平洋,其鱼鳍价值极高,被用作制汤


  1. 一旦蔬菜开始加热烹调,就加入几汤匙水。

  Once the vegetables start to cook add in a couple of tablespoons of water.


  2. 我喜欢我的粉红色汤匙。

  I like my pink spoon.

  3. 她用汤匙搅她的咖啡。

  She stirred her coffee with a spoon.

  4. 能给我一个汤匙吗?

  Can I have a spoon?

  5. 这里有一个汤匙吗?

  Is there a spoon here?

  6. 你还需要一个平底锅、一只汤匙和一个保温瓶。

  You also need a saucepan, a spoon and a flask.

  7. 她用汤匙喂婴儿。

  She feeds the baby with a spoon.

  8. 这是一个汤匙。

  This is a soup spoon.

  9. 请递给我汤匙。

  Please pass me the spoon.

  10. 我汤匙掉了。

  I dropped my spoon.

  11. 当我在楼下吃早餐,用汤匙舀着最后一口米粥时,洗手间里传来一声响亮的撞击声。

  As I had the breakfast downstairs, a ringing clash came out from the washroom while I was dipping the last bite of porridge by the soap spoon.

  12. 对于那些不是含着银汤匙出生的人来说,他们只能通过自己的努力改变自己的社会地位。

  For those who are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they can only change their social status through their own efforts.

  13. 煎荷包蛋时,在蛋黄即将凝固之际,可浇上一汤匙冷开水。这会让蛋熟后又黄又嫩,色味俱佳。

  Add a spoon of cold water before the coagulation of frying egg yolk. It will reserve its tenderness and color.

  14. 我们需要更多的螺栓、钉子、导线、细绳、线带、胶带、油漆、木条、辘轳、海绵、木板、汤匙、茶杯。

  We needed more screws, pegs, hooks, wire, twine, string, tape, paint, cleats, deadeyes, foam rubber, plates, spoons, mugs.

  15. 信不信由你,你吃两个麦当劳鸡蛋麦满分得到的卡路里比你吃加了两汤匙奶油干酪的百吉饼获得的热量少。

  Believe it or not, you can eat two McDonaldss egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese.

  16. 将1汤匙部分脱脂的乳清干酪抹在一半的小肉桂葡萄干面包圈上。如果想要,还可以撒上肉桂,在上面放上苹果薄片。

  Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple.

  17. 她选择了大汤匙而不是小汤匙。

  She chose a large spoon over a smaller one.

  18. 当我们选择大汤匙而不是小汤匙时,总摄入量会增加14%。

  When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one, total intake jumps by 14 percent.

  19. 当我们选择大汤匙而不是小汤匙时,总摄入量增加了14%。

  When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one, the total intake jumps by 14 percent.

  20. 在1升自来水中大约1汤匙勺食用盐比较合适。

  About 1 dessertspoonful of cooking salt in 1 litre of tap-water is suitable.

  21. 你应该用汤匙搅动咖啡里的糖。

  You should stir the sugar in your coffee with a spoon.

  22. 我需要一把汤匙来吃这冰淇淋。

  I need a spoon to eat this ice cream with.

  23. 她说:“推荐的食用量是一汤匙。”

  "The recommended daily amount of salt is about a teaspoon," she says.

  24. 2- 3汤匙切碎的平叶欧芹。

  2 to 3 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley.

  25. 1块“花园松饼”,加1汤匙黄油。

  1 country "Garden Muffin", with 1 teaspoon margarine.

  26. 一汤匙砂糖,或依个人喜好。

  1 tablespoon sugar, or to taste.

  27. 两汤匙酸奶酪放在威化饼上。

  Spread 2 tbsp. of the yogurt on the waffle.

  28. 医生,医生,我一直觉得自己是个汤匙。

  Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking Im a spoon.

  29. 生姜去皮,剁细,2汤匙。

  2 tablespoons ginger, peeled and finely chopped.

  30. 平底锅里加入2汤匙油。

  Add 2 tablespoon oil to pan.









