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公共英语二级听力模拟试题及解析 1
一、 天气活动场景
1. 天气影响了交通,造成晚回家,错过了事情;
2. 下雨天气影响了工作计划;
3. 天气太冷或太热影响了正常工作;
4. 早出发,避免塞车;
5. 天气会变得越来越冷;
6. 天气变化快。
二、 家庭生活场景
1. 家庭场景中,经常出现较多称谓,每个称谓所对应的内容不同,命题人经常用这种方法来混淆考生;
2. 经常涉及借东西场景,结果是及时归还了并表示感谢;
3. 家庭装修如果自己 ,可以省钱;找人干,要侃价;
4. 如果谈到家庭游戏,一定是学习娱乐两不误;
5. 如果谈到住房选择,离公司近和价格便宜两者无法兼得;
6. 经常讨论对方喜欢什么或者在节日赠送给别人什么样的礼品,前提是要节约,要有计划;
7. 邀请别人来吃饭,经常被婉拒,理由是要学习,要接待客人或其他。
三、 公共生活场景
1. 预定房间往往有以下要求:安静;单人间或双人间;楼层;房间内基本设施(是否有浴室等等);
2. 一般情况下,都是学生要租房,而不是学生有房出租给别人;
3. 几个地点往往在对话中同时出现,对考生进行混淆,解题的关键在于要注意问题和事情发展的'先后顺序;
4. 想拍好的照片,需要有好的用光(light)和胶卷(film);
5. 上班时的穿着叫正装(formal suit),休闲运动的服饰叫休闲装(casual jeans)。
四、 学生学习生活场景(范围最广:包含考试、图书馆借书、听讲座等)
五、 教师场景(教师评价、教授忙)
His lectures are excellent/fascinating.
He really has a sence of humor.
His lectures are boring.
I can hardly keep from falling asleep.
I have my eyes on the watch the whole time.
I didn’t catch...
I couldn’t follow...
1. How much will the woman pay for the museum?
[A] $6.00. [B] $10.50. [C] $15.00. [D] $9.50.
2. What is the man asking the woman to do?
[A] He wants to have a talk with her.
[B] He asks her to see the director.
[C] He asks her to see what she can do for him.
[D] He asks her to make a schedule for his meeting with the director.
3. How many guests did they have last night?
[A] 75 guests. [B] 50 guests. [C] 30 guests. [D] 25 guests.
4. When dose the conversation take place?
[A] On Friday. [B] On Thursday. [C] On Tuesday. [D] On Monday.
5. What will the woman probably do?
[A] Look at something for the man.
[B] Stop talking so much.
[C] Play the music more quietly.
[D] Pay more attention to the music.
Question 1:
M:Tickets for the art museum are three dollars for adults and the children’s tickets are half price.
W:I see.I’d like two adult’s and three children’s tickets, please.
Question 2:
M:I’d like to have a talk with the director sometime this week. Could you arrange it for me?
W:He is rather busy these days,but I’ll see what I can do.
Question 3:
W:You held a party last night. How many people were invited?
M:We invited 75 people for my parents’50th wedding anniversary, but only a third of them came last night.
Question 4:
M:Good morning, Professor Wang. I’ve come to discuss my thesis.
W:I’m sorry. You should see me on Wednesday. That is the day after tomorrow.
Question 5:
M:Look! I’m sorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down?
W:Sorry, I didn’t realize you could hear it.
答案:1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C
1. 看电影、看戏剧;
2. 听说电影好、邀请看电影、电影没意思、电影看不懂、电影真不值;
3. 邀请去看电影,一般都不会接受,主要的理由是因为学习的问题,然后再表达一下惋惜的心情,通常会用虚拟语气;
4. 一方获奖了,另一方赞扬、敬佩。
Let’s go watch the movie tonight.
Would you like to go to the movie with us tonight?
How about seeing the new movie at the theater tonight?
It’s a waste of time/money.
1. 身体不舒适,需要看病;
2. 医生忙,要耐心;
3. 有病要尽早去治疗,否则要产生很多麻烦;
4. 吸烟对身体不好,要戒烟。
1. 搭乘飞机旅行,首先要预定机票,经常会遇到预定完毕(be booked up),因此只能推迟时间;有时因为无法到达机场,必须改机票(get ticket changed);
2. 经常因为天气原因(because of/due to the bad weather)或机械故障(mechanical problem)而导致航班延误,需要等待进一步消息或通知(further notice);
3. 步行是一种锻炼方式;骑自行车可以回避高峰,但车胎容易没气(flat tire);乘巴士方便,但中途容易出故障(break down);开车上班容易塞车(much traffic jam);坐火车可以看风景(sightsee),但火车上食物不好,因此经常选择自己带食物或提前吃;
4. 出现交通意外的原因一般是超速或者是躲避不及。
1. 两人经常会讨论这个东西好不好,是不是健康食品;
2. 两人经常会讨论去什么样的餐馆吃饭;
3. 出去吃饭,需要提前定位子;
4. 外出吃饭的原因主要是寻求安静或想尝试一下新口味;
5. 如果去一个比较豪华、精致的餐馆,可能还会谈到穿正式服装(formal dress);
6. 如果两个学生讨论是出去吃饭还是学习,最终选择的一般是学习。
1. 经常讨论区去什么地方购物,什么地方东西便宜,品种多;
2. 说话的第一个人想买的货品总是没有的,有时第二人从应答中会暗示第一人其他的解决方案;
3. 两人讨论买房子,最后结果是:现在买时机不太合适。
6.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
[A] Receptionist and customer. [B] Waitress and customer.
[C] Salesperson and customer. [D] Nurse and patient.
7.What’s wrong with the man?
[A] He forgot his appointment with his manager.
[B] He lefe his keys at home.
[C] He is locked out of his office.
[D] He lost the manager’s keys.
8.How will the man get to San Francisco?
[A] By plane. [B] By bus. [C] By car. [D] By train.
9.Where is the man when the woman calls him?
[A] He is on his way to where they should meet.
[B] He is at home.
[C] He is in his office.
[D] He is at the main entrance.
10.What is the price of one watch?
[A] 10 dollars. [B] 5 dollars. [C] 9 dollars. [D] 18 dollars.
Question 6:
W:Solomon Departmert Store. May I help you?
M:Yes, could you tell me when the store closes today?
W: We close at 7:00.
M: I see. And when do you open?
W:Ten o’clock on the weekend.
M: Fine. Thank you very much.
Question 7:
W:What’s wrong?
M:I left my keys inside. We’re locked out.
W:Doesn’t the manager have an extra set?
M:Sure, but I don’t know if he’s at home.
Question 8:
W:You’re going to San Francisco tomorrow, aren’t you?
M:Yes, I thought I’d fly, but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.
Question 9:
W:Hi, John. What happened to you? I’ve been waiting for twenty minutes.
M:Oh, I completey forgot about our meeting. I’m on my way. Please wait for me.
W:OK. I’ll wait for you at the main entrance.
Question 10:
M:How much is this electronic watch, please?
W:Five dollars each and nine dollars for two.
M: OK, I’ll take one.
答案:6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B
公共英语二级听力模拟试题及解析 2
第一节 (共5题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What does Kevin often do in his spare time?
A. Read books.
B. Grow flowers.
C. Take pictures.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At the doctors.
B. In the office.
C. On the sports field.
3. What does Claire ask David to do?
A. Leave a message.
B. Design a project.
C. Give her a call.
4. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Keeping in shape.
B. Doing housework.
C. Dealing with stress.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Manager and assistant.
C. Driver and policewoman.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. Which day does the man want the tickets for?
A. Today.
B. Tomorrow.
C. Wednesday.
7. What will the man probably do?
A. Order his tickets by phone.
B. Go to another ticket office.
C. Buy a ticket for the woman.
8. How will Joseph travel from Winnipeg to Banff?
A. By car.
B. By plane.
C. By train.
9. How long will Joseph stay in Canada?
A. One week.
B. Three weeks.
C. Four weeks.
10. What will Joseph do in Winnipeg?
A. Go skiing.
B. See relatives.
C. Enjoy hot springs.
11. Where did Owen live while in Masai Mara?
A. In a tent.
B. In a boat.
C. In a treehouse.
12. What does the woman think of Owens vacation?
A. Comfortable.
B. Expensive.
C. Exciting.
13. Why does Owen suggest going to Masai Mara between August and September?
A. The bushes are most colorful.
B. The animals are on the move.
C. Plains are good for driving.
14. What is the woman?
A. An interviewer.
B. A professor.
C. A fitness trainer.
15. What did Adam study in college?
A. Physics.
B. Education.
C. Chemistry
16. Why did Adam give up playing football?
A. He lost interest in it.
B. He got heart problems.
C. He had no time for training.
17. What does Adam now think of playing video games?
A. It helps him relax.
B. Its a new trend.
C. Its a waste of time.
18. What does the voice guide provide?
A. Directions to each room.
B. Descriptions of exhibits.
C. Schedules for key events.
19. How many exhibition rooms are there in the museum?
A. 7.
B. 10.
C. 15.
20. What gift can voice guide users get?
A. A digital record of their tour.
B. An e-book about the museum.
C. A picture of a popular exhibit.
(Text1) 28词 兴趣爱好
W:Kevin, do you have any hobbies, like reading, gardening or things like that?
M:I have just one:photography.Its expensive but its a lot of fun.
(Text2) 39词 生病
M:Ready for the meeting,Iris? Oh, you look pale. Anything wrong?
W:I have a runny nose and Ive been coughing for two days.
M:Have you seen a doctor?
W:Im going to, right after this meeting.
(Text 3)42词 电话留言
M:Hi, this is David Thompson.I cant take your call at the moment. Please leave a message.
W:Hello, David, this is Claire. Please call me back when you hear the message.We need to talk about the new project.
(Text 4)41词 放松方式
M:So what do you do when you are stressed with a lot of work?
W:I usually clean the house or wash the dishes and I feel better. What about you?
M:Well, I usually hit the gym and exercise.
(Text 5) 40词 要迟到了
W:Slow down, Jason. Youre driving too fast. Its dangerous!
M:Sorry,dear.But Im going to be late for work.My manager will be mad at me.
W:Well, maybe I should wake you earlier tomorrow morning.
(Text 6)90词订票
M:Excuse me, Id like to book two tickets for the concert on Wednesday evening,please.
W:Sorry, Im only dealing with todays concert at this desk. For advanced booking, you need togo to the ticket office over there. But Im afraid its not open until tomorrow morning at ten.
M:Oh, no! Its really difficult for me to come in again tomorrow. Can I phone up and book?
W:Yes. Take one of the cards here. Youll find a hotline number on it.
M:Okay. Thanks a lot!
(Text 7)133词假日旅行计划
W:Joseph,do you have any plans for the holidays?
M:Yes, Im going to Canada.
W:Wonderful! How are you going to travel there?
M:Ill fly to Winnipeg, and then Ill have a 500-mile drive across Banff in the Rockies.
W:How long are you going to stay in Canada?
M:From the 15th of December to the 11th of January.
W:Thats a long holiday! What are you going to do there?
M:Well, Ill stay in Winnipeg for one week to visit my relatives.Then, for the nextthree weeks, Ill be skiing in Banff.There are also hot springs. Ill go swimming.
W:Where are you going to stay in Banff?
M:Ill be staying with a friend and his family.
W:Sounds like a lot of fun!
(Text8) 163词 非洲之旅
W:Hi, Owen,how was your vacation in Africa?
M:Good! Well, different, actually.
W:What did you do there?
M:We stayed in Nairobi for a few days. Then we flew to Masai Mara.There, wewent on a camp tour to see wildlife.
W:Wow, tell me more about it!
M:Well, we lived in a tent by a river under a great tree.There was no electricity,norunning water,and the nearest store was two hours away. We had to eat canned food anddrink bottled water.
W:Oh, that is different.
M:Anyway, we were happy there. We did bushwalks, made game viewing drives, and talkedto cattle-raising people.
W:What a wonderful place to run away from a boring office life! I wish I could go there oneday.
M:Yes, you really should. The best time to go there is between August and September. Itsthe time when animals move across the plains in large crowds.
(Text 9) 197 假如能重来
W:Adam,here is an interesting question from one of our listeners:What issomething that you wish you could have done over? For example, maybe something inyour university life.
M:Well, there are a few things. I might change my major. I studied educationand Ienjoy what Im doing right now. But if I could go back to school and start over, Idprobably study chemistry or physics.
W:Interesting. Anything else you wish you would have done?
M:I might have been more active in doing sports. I played football in high school, but incollege, it seemed that there was nothing that could push me to actually go out andput my heart into it.I went to one training day and I felt kind of tired. I wish Ihadnt given up football so easily.
W:How about something that you did do but maybe now you wish you hadnt?
M:I played video games a lot in high school because that was the cool thing to do, but Idont play them now. And looking back on it, I think its just a waste of time tofollow the trend.
(Text 10)134词博物馆语音助手
W:Hello, welcome to the City Museum.This is a museum voice guide. We have50 expert descriptions of objects from the museum, providing in-depth information.There are introductions to all of our ten exhibition rooms.These recorded voicetracks will help you make a self-guided, memorable tour in the museum. First, choose yourlanguage. Discover more about the museums objects through expert descriptions in your ownlanguage. The guide is available in seven languages. Then, find out more about the museumsmost popular objects or take a tour focusing on a particular subject. The guide keeps track ofwhat you see, and creates a digital record. At the end of your visit, youll get a gift, which is a list of the exhibits youve seen.You can send it to yourself by email.
11-15 ACBAB16-20 ACBBA