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Diligence is your life password, can translate your grand epic poem.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年最新专八英语考试人文知识试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
1.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?
A Roman
B Anglo-Saxons
C Jutes
D Celts
2.The Hundred Years’ War between Britain and France was fought ____.
A from 1327 to 1453
B from 1337 to 1453
C from 1347 to 1453
D from 1357 to 1453
3.The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year ____
A 1918
B 1920
C 1945
D 1949
4.The English Civil War is also called ____
A the Puritan Revolution
B the second Magna Carta
C the Long Parliament
D the Anglican War
5.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the ____ and the North Sea in the east,
A east
B south
C west
D north
6.The largest lake in Britain is ____.
A. Loch Lomond
B the Lough Neagh
C Windermere
D Ullswater
7.Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?
A In the Highlands
B In the central Lowlands
C In the Uplands
D In the west of Scotland
8.In Britain only about ____ of the population are farmers but they manage 70% of the land area.
A 2%
B 3%
C 4%
D 5%
9.The two important crops in Britain are ____
A barley and corn
B wheat and rice
C barley and oats
D wheat and barley
10.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 ____
A can legally receive partly free education
B can legally receive completely free education
C can not receive free education at all
D can not receive free education if their parents are rich
1.D 凯尔特在公元前700年到英国,罗马人在公元1到5世纪统治英国,5世纪中期盎格鲁撒克逊人侵占英国,因此凯尔特人是最早踏入英国的。
2.B 英法百年战争爆发于1337年到1453年间,中间还发生了黑死病。
3.D 爱尔兰共和国在1949年独立。
4.A 英国内战于1642年到1646年间发生,国王查尔斯与议会发生争执,实际上是国王与清教徒之间的矛盾引起的,结果议会胜利。
5.B 英国南面与法国隔着英吉利海峡。
6.B 英国最大的湖是内伊湖,最长的河流是塞文河。
7.B 苏格兰中低部适合人类生存,是苏格兰工业和人高度集中的地区。
8.A 由于英国农作业时的高度机械化,只需利用全国2%的人口来耕作大面积农地。
9.D 小麦和大麦是英国最重要的庄稼。
10.B 英国的义务教育是从5岁到16岁,所以期间的教育全部免费。